EDUC 730
Instructional Objectives
Consistent with the CCTC competencies integrated into this course and NCATE standards, instructional objectives are organized into knowledge, dispositions, and performance/skills. Students who complete EADM 730 successfully will demonstrate the following knowledge, skills and dispositions:
Understand the many different concepts of law that together make up the body of knowledge loosely labeled as school law.
Understand the current trends in education law.
Know the major court decisions that affect the operation of education programs such as student rights, integration, employee rights, student rights and religious freedom.
Explain the importance of policy documents and their purposes in an administrative context.
Demonstrate an awareness of some of the political forces, both internally and externally, which affect the operation of a school site.
Become familiar with policies pertinent to administrative leadership.
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of developing good
interpersonal relationships with colleagues, teachers, parents, school board members, community members, and students and how to effectively communicate with these constituencies.
Develop an appreciation of the need to disseminate school law information throughout the different levels of employment within a school district.
Understand the legal and procedural implications as well as the social implications of affirmative action on personnel practices of a school district/school.
Apply critical thinking to issues in educational administration.
Demonstrate sensitivity to diversity in the discussion of legal problems and issues in education.
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the leadership role in schools and the responsibility of exercising that leadership in positive ways.
Display values, beliefs and attitudes that inspire others to achieve school goals.
Demonstrate an ethic of caring in the discussion of legal problems and issues in education.
Apply a framework for ethical decision making in the solution of school problems.
Demonstrate competency in the knowledge and application of federal and state laws as they apply to education. (15 b)
Write and present simple case briefs that deal with important aspects of educational law. (12 g, 12 h, 12 i, 14 k, 15 b, d, e)
Use E-mail and the Internet to communicate and research information.(12 i,12 j)
Summarize the impact of federal and state courts and Congress on educational policies and practices. Review how judicial decisions at the state and federal levels affect education policy and administration. (15 b, d, e)