EDUC 790-01
Student Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Knows the difference between quantitative and qualitative research design and how and how epistemological perspectives are reflected in those research methodologies.
Comprehends how theoretical paradigms and perspective are reflected in those research methodologies.
Recognizes the qualities of an effective research question that expresses a direction for inquiry in precise terms, that is based on a review of the pertinent literature, and that avoids the pitfalls of advocacy.
Knows what are frequency distributions and their meaning.
Knows what contingency tables are and how to test variable relationships.
Knows the concepts of reliability and validity.
Knows what is central tendency, variability, standard normal distributions and the likelihood of getting an exact mean.
Knows what effect sizes are in evaluation studies and how to calculate them on SPSS.
Demonstrates the concept of hypothesis, the concepts of Type I and Type II errors, t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and procedures for running t-tests and ANOVA on SPSS or similar statistical software.
Demonstrates the ideas of predicting one variable from another (correlation/regression) and explanatory power versus reliability of findings when interpreting correlations and regressions.